Hello and welcome to my individual project for Religions of the World. As you can see, Wicca was my chosen religion to investigate and educate. I think that people often think of Wicca as a spell-casting, blood drinking, cult-like religion, but it is the opposite. After studying many religions in our class, I think I actually connected with this religion best.
I hope that I will be able to enlighten you and open your eyes. There are many misconceptions about this religion and way of life that often precede it. When it comes down to it, Wicca is a nature based religion that promotes goodness and balance, who wouldn't want to be part of that? It is very similar to other religions and their creeds. More and more people are turning to Wicca while fighting the ever present acusations of being Satan worshipers, when in fact, Wiccans do not even believe in such an evil.
Take a look around, enjoy yourself, and remain open minded!
"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you."
-Frank Lloyd Wright
- Please choose from the pages located on your right, to help find your way around the Wicca religion.